Spatial Video Is The Apple Vision Pro's Killer App

I won't be buying an Apple Vision Pro in 2024, but I plan to buy one in 2051, and I'm getting ready now.

I'm not an early adopter.

I had my previous MacBook for over 10 years before upgrading.

I got a new iPhone SE only because my old iPhone SE could no longer run Apple's latest version of iOS.

I don't *need* the latest and greatest iPhone.

But the iPhone 15 Pro Max and iPhone 15 Pro are currently the only iPhones that can take what Apple calls 'spatial video.'

These are 3D videos that are supposed to be particularly compelling and immersive when viewed using a Vision Pro.

Apple suggests that the subjects of the videos should be 3 to 8 feet away — intimate moments with family and friends vs. a mountain or sunset in the distance.

In his book "Die With Zero," Bill Perkins wrote about creating highlight reel videos from his elderly father's football career that he could watch on an iPad.

This would be the next level of that concept.

The 2024 "version 1.0" of the Vision Pro is a little too heavy, and the $3,499 price tag is more than I want to pay.

But the *2051* version of the Vision Pro will be lighter, easier to use, and more powerful.

When I'm 75 or 80, I'll be grateful that I created special spatial videos of some of my favorite activities, people, places and things.

I might be stuck in a hospital bed in a nursing home, but I'll be able to travel back in time and re-live highlights from my life.

What am I doing right now?

I've almost completed the Dvorak curriculum at Typing Club and my target words per minute is now 74 WPM, up from 50-55 words in August 2022.

I'm slowly working towards intermediate-level Spanish. I've completed the Foundation Spanish, Language Builder Spanish, Intermediate Spanish, and Spanish Vocabulary courses of the Michel Thomas Method. I'm learning the 2500 most commonly used Spanish words, according to this Spanish Frequency Dictionary. Benny Lewis's Anki Power Up webinar taught me crucial distinctions about best way to use Anki to learn vocabulary.